

4th National Conference on the Biology of Microbial Systems
4èmes Journées de Biologie des Systèmes Microbiens
الأيام الرابعة لبيولوجيا الأنظمة الميكروبية

Dear colleagues,

We have the great pleasure to communicate the first call for the 4th Conference on the Biology of Microbial Systems (JBSM2022), organized jointly by the ''Ecole Normale Supérieure El Cheikh Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi (ENS-Kouba) and the Laboratory of the Biology of Microbial Systems (LBSM). The JBSM2022 is being held on December 3, 2022.

JBSM2022 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on various aspects of Microbiology, focusing on (i) Microbial biodiversity and novel taxa, (ii) Microbial biomolecules and their applications, (iii)Microorganism-plant interactions: Biofertilizers and biocontrol and (vi)Microbial food safety

It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in applied microbiology.

Why to attend?

JBSM2022 will provide a perfect platform addressing:

  • Laudable talks by the top-notch of the Algerian Microbiology Community.
  • Global recognition for meritorious researchers (the best oral presentation and the best poster presentation given by young scientists will be awarded).
  • Global networking.
  • Novel techniques to benefit your research.

For any relevant questions related to registration, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee via the JBSM-2022 website.

Main Topics

Important dates to save


Ecole Normale Supérieure El Cheikh Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi (ENS-Kouba), Algiers, Algeria.

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JBSM2022 is starting soon!


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