المزيد من الأخبار

Publications des laboratoires de sciences naturelles


Publications Internationnales

1-Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Produit Bioactifs et la Valorisation de la Biomasse (LPBVB) 

  • A.Aouiche, N.Sabaou, A.Meklat, A.Zitouni A, F.Mathieu & A.Lebrihi, 2011, "Activité antimicrobienne de Streptomyces sp. PAL111 d’origine saharienne contre divers microorganismes cliniques et toxinogènes résistants aux antibiotiques", Journal de Mycologie Médicale.
  • F.Boudjelal, A.Zitouni, F.Mathieu, A.Lebrihi & N.Sabaou, 2011, "Taxonomic study and partial characterization of antimicrobial compounds from a moderately halophilic strain of the genus Actinoalloteichus", Décembre 2010, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 
  • A.Aouiche, N.Sabaou, A.Meklat, A.Zitouni, C.Bijani, F.Mathieu & A.Lebrihi, 2011, "Saccharothrix sp. PAL54, a new chloramphenicol-producing strain isolated from a Saharan soil", World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, sous presse. DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0892-2http://www.springerlink.com/content/4kh942x41172958v/
  • Y.Yang, N.Bouras, J.Yang, R.J.Howard & Strelkov S.E,2011, "Mycotoxin production by isolates of Fusarium lactis from greenhouse sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum)", International Journal of Food Microbiology, sous presse. doi:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2011.08.013http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21903288
  • A.Meklat, N.Sabaou, N.Bouras, A.Zitouni, C.Spröer, H-P Klenk, F.Mathieu & A.Lebrihi, 2011, "A novel strain of Actinopolyspora mortivallis with antibacterial activity isolated from a Saharan soil", Annals of Microbiology. Sous presse. DOI 10.1007/s13213-011-0346-yhttp://www.springerlink.com/content/c51m7h2k5x632828/
  • B.Badji, A.Mostefaoui, N.Sabaou, F.Mathieu, A.Lebrihi, 2011, "Identification of a new strain of Actinomadura isolated from Saharan soil and partial characterization of its antifungal compounds", African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(63) 13878-13886.http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/abstracts/abs2011/17Oct/Badji%20et%20al.htm
  • A.Meklat A, N.Sabaou, A.Zitouni, F.Mathieu, A.Lebrihi, 2011, "Isolation, taxonomy, and antagonistic properties of halophilic actinomycetes in saharan soils of Algeria", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(18),6710–6714. http://aem.asm.org/cgi/content/short/77/18/6710
  • F.Boudjelal, A.Zitouni, F.Mathieu, A.Lebrihi & N.Sabaou, 2011, "Taxonomy and antimicrobial activities of two novel halophilic Saccharomonospora strains isolated in Algerian Sahara soils", Annals of Microbiology Octobre 2010, Sous presse. DOI : 10.1007/s13213-010-0138-9.URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/3r628t7265543484/
  • A.Riba, N.Bouras, S.Mokrane, A.Lebrihi & N.Sabaou, 2010, "Aspergillus section Flavi and aflatoxins in Algerian wheat and derived products Food and Chemical Toxicology",48, 2772–2777. URL : http://cat.inist.fr/ ?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=23325000
  • N.Bouras & S.E.Strelkov, 2010, "Influence of carbon source on growth ans mycotoxin production by isolates of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis from wheat", Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 56, 874-882. URL : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20962911
  • R.Merrouche, N.Bouras, Y.Coppel, F.Mathieu, M.C.Monje, N.Sabaou &
    A.Lebrihi, 2010, "Dithiolopyrrolone antibiotic formation induced by adding valeric acid to the culture broth of Saccharothrix algeriensis", Journal of Natural Products, 73, 1164-1166. URL : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/np900808u
  • Y.MKim, N.Bouras, N.N.V.Kav & S.E.Strelkov, 2010, "Inhibition of photosynthesis ans modification of the wheat leaf proteome by Ptr ToxB : a host-specific toxin from the fungal pathogen Pyrenophora tritici-repentis", Proteomics, 2911-2926.URL :http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20540119
  • H.Boudjella, A.Zitouni, Y.Coppel, F.Mathieu, M.C.Monje, N.Sabaou & A.Lebrihi, 2010, Antibiotic R2, a new angucyclinone compound from Streptosporangium sp. Sg3. Journal of Antibiotics. 63, 709–711. URL : http://www.nature.com/ja/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ja2010111a.html
  • N.Bouras, Y.M.Kim & S.E.Strelkov, 2009, "Influence of water activity a,d temperature on growth and mycotoxin production by isolates of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis from wheat", International Journal of Food Microbiology, 131, 251-255. URL : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19268381
  • B.Badji, A.Zitouni, A.Le Faou, N.Sabaou, 2009, "Molécules bioactives sécrétées par Nonomuraea sp. NM94 (Actinomycetales) d’origine saharienne", Rev. Microbiol. Ind. San et Environn. 3 : 25-36. URL : http://www.remise.ma/Badji%202010.pdf

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البحث العلمي

تعتبر مديرية التكوين في الدكتوراه والبحث العلمي والتطوير التكنولوجي والابتكار وترقية المقاولاتية إحدى أهم المفاصل بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة بالقبة، حيث تضطلع بمجموعة مهام حيوية تُسهِمُ في تعزيز الفعالية والتميز في مجال التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، مع السعي إلى تحقيق رؤية مستقبلية تدعم تطوير المعرفة والابتكار على الصعيدين المحلي والدولي وتنشئة رأس مال نخبوي في هرم السلم الاجتماعي.

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فـي طـور الإنـجـاز


الملتقيات والتظاهرات العلمية

ُتنظم بالمدرسة العديد من الملتقيات في مختلف التخصصات، الرياضيات العلوم الطبيعية

الإتفاقيات الوطنية والدولية

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Princy Flora
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Jesica Matt
المنشورات العلمية

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