Departement of music and musicology
- First and only department at the national level specialized in music and musical sciences, it was created in 1983 by registering the first class of holders of a bachelor's degree in music. (Secondary school teachers)
- After the closure of the Technological Institutes of Education (TIE), which were formerly teachers of middle education, the mission of training teachers (middle and secondary education) was entrusted to higher education Schools.
The main tasks of the department are as follows:
1. Training of music education teachers for the middle (Bac+4) and secondary (Bac+5) levels.
2. Training of Master, Magister and Doctorate.
So far, there have been two promotions of masters and 5 promotions of masters, with enrollment in doctoral studies for most of those who obtained a magister.
3. Conduct research in several areas, including those related to music education and musical heritage.
- Any student who obtains a baccalaureate can integrate the music department at a rate determined each year in the order of the students according to their choice (request), and this after having conducted an interview before commissions composed of professors from the department. During the interview, students are tested on their musical abilities (listening, singing and playing an instrument).
- The training of new students during their studies is based on basic teaching units as follows:
1. Applied musical units such as playing, singing and reading music.
2. Music theory units such as music theories and music analysis.
3. Teaching units such as teaching music and psychology.
4. Methodological and cultural units such as history of science and music, research methodology, language, automated media.
Committed to supporting the specialization of music and music education in various forms, the department is quite willing to deal with all institutions, universities and institutes in order to provide its expertise in this field.
Missions of the departement :
Initial training of music education teachers for the middle and secondary cycles, as well as training in masters and doctorates